Tuesday, January 23, 2007

OJ Mayo Mania?

OJ Mayo mania is sweeping the nation? Clearly, not Beatle-mania, but there is an elaborate fan site with a clever name, and basketball video highlights, http://www.ojmayonnaise.com/, and then there is a USA Today chat (chat transcript), and then there are the games on the ESPN family of networks, and features in print magazines, on the net, and on TV, such as Dime Magazine and an ESPN Briefing Room. Briefing Room? Someone at ESPN has delusions of "CNN Situation Room grandeur". They'd better hire Wolf Blitzer and morph Jay Bilas into Jack Cafferty (the only one tall enough for that role?). Anyway, back to basketball...

Well, my decidedly unscientific Top 10 of the Class of 2007, which I am going to post this week, will have OJ Mayo as the #1 prospect of that class, despite the fact that a number of experts have gone with other players as the #1 of the class. The reason: None of the other prospects have the versatility and potential star power of OJ Mayo...

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